FoliCon Help

Other options

Restart Explorer

This option will restart the explorer and clear windows icon cache, which is useful when the icons are not refreshing.

Delete icons

This option will delete the icons from the loaded directory and its subdirectories. Useful when you want to create icons again for the same directory.

Delete media info

This option will delete the media info from the loaded directory and its subdirectories. Media info is automatically created when you use the poster mode to create icons. It contains media ID, that is used to auto select the title when choosing from ambiguous results.

Use this option to clear the media info, so that you can choose a different title again.

Check for updates

This option will check for updates and notify you if an update is available.

Enable Error Reporting

This option will enable the error reporting system, which will send errors to the developer. It will help the developer to fix the errors and improve the application.

Last modified: 24 July 2024